A couple of months ago I started to write a post I never finished. I started writing it because I had just gotten the news that my 15 year old dog Sasha had passed away. Sasha was a pound puppy that I got right after I graduated from college. She’d been with me off and on since then but when we moved from a house in Philly to an apartment in Wilkes-Barre we had to give her up. Some friends from Philly said they would keep her since they’d become close to her while dog sitting her a few times.

When Sasha passed I was saddened because I didn’t get a chance to say goodbye. She’d been a loyal friend to me through all the years and I felt like I let her down by not at least seeing her in her last days. No matter what happened Sasha was always there for me and she never gave up on me. She’d spent some time living with my parents after my youngest was born and even though she wasn’t with me she’d always come running up to me when I’d go see them. There were probably even times I was meaner to her than I should have been, yet she never held a grudge and always come running with her tail wagging and her ears up. All she ever wanted was my love and affection, for me to let her know that I still loved and cared for her.

I think to a certain extent God is the same way. The Bible tells us in Revelation 3:20: “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me.” God is constantly seeking us out. He’s standing there waiting for us to let Him into our lives. But unfortunately many have dead-bolted the door to Him and are just hoping He goes away. But He won’t.

It doesn’t matter what we’ve said or done, God will always be there knocking waiting for us to answer. God longs for us, his children, to open the door and let Him in. He may try to get our attention. He’ll send people and situations into our lives, trying to get us to open up. But He won’t force his way in, He’ll just patiently knock until we decide to open. Some will, some won’t, but He’ll never give up on us. And if you’re quiet enough maybe, just maybe, you’ll hear Him knocking right now.