I have a confession to make. I read my horoscope just about every day. Now some might wonder what’s the big deal, but others would scold me for it. I’m not saying I buy into it. I’ve seen days when it was eerily correct, but I’ve also had days when it was completely off the mark. Regardless, I came to the conclusion the other day of why I read it. I read it hoping for a little good news and encouragement for my day. A glimmer of hope that the day will be a good day and maybe even a little something to guide me in the choices that I make.

As I was thinking about this, I realized that don’t read my Bible or devotional as diligently as I do my horoscope. I also realized that when I do it doesn’t seem to fill me with the same sense of hope and guidance for the day. This made me begin to wonder why this true. I know down deep that I don’t really buy into my horoscope. However, I do buy into what the Bible has to say. So what gives? Could it be because my horoscope always seems to be different while the Bible and it’s themes are familiar to me?

I think the problem comes in that my horoscope seems to attempt to put an encouraging spin on what is to come regardless of whether it’s good or bad. The Bible, on the other hand, can sometimes be a little more heavy handed. It also probably doesn’t help that the devotional I choose to use is “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers which can be a little harsh at times (I think I might start reading “Our Daily Bread” from time to time too).

The truth of the matter is that the Bible says in Ecclesiastes 8:7 that “Since no man knows the future, who can tell him what is to come?” I don’t think reading my horoscope is a sin. It’s just words on a page and if it helps me a little then I don’t think it’s a big deal. I just have to be careful as to how much faith I put into it.

As for the Bible, I think I need to start looking a little deeper, beyond the surface for insights. If I’m familiar enough with it that I’m no longer gleaning anything from it, then it’s time for me to dig deeper and do more study. I need to explore unfamiliar passages maybe through starting a reading plan. I also think I need to pray as I read asking God to give me insight into what it means for my life right now.

Oh, in case you were wondering, I’m a Pisces. What’s your sign?