Image result for spiritual warfare

I had to use this picture because it’s so incredibly cheesy and Jesus is so very white. 🙂

Some days my anxiety kicks my butt. It’s nothing like it was a few months ago, but there will be those days when I feel like I can’t catch my breath and someone is sitting on my chest. There are other days when the world just seems cloudy, almost like there’s no hope. These are usually rough things to navigate. They make it hard to focus and think. They make it difficult to interact with people. They make it tough to do just about anything. I used to think that these days were of my own doing. If only my faith was stronger or if I prayed more. I used to think I would will and work myself out of the feeling. Then when I struggled and couldn’t, I’d just feel tired and the negative feelings would just grow.

The other day I was talking with someone, okay not someone, my therapist. I can’t remember if I mentioned her here before, but yes I go once a month. We were talking about how everything will be great and then I’ll just get these days and moments like I just described. She actually told me something I hadn’t really considered that those moments are more than likely a spiritual attack. She said that the Bible tells us that Satan can’t hurt us physically but he can play with our minds and our circumstances (see Job). 1 Peter 5:8 actually says “8Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

As we talked she went on to say that what happens is that I’ll begin to blame myself for what I’m feeling, sort of as I just described. She said what I have to realize is that it’s not my fault for feeling that way. So instead of beating myself up or allowing old thoughts, mistakes, etc. to filter in, I need to rebuke the devil and his attack. James 4:7 says “7Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” So if we can rely on God and resist the devil, he’ll run away. 

I know many of you struggle like I do with your own brains. I’m a chronic overthinker. I struggle with codependency and worrying about what everyone thinks about me. You may not struggle with anxiety or depression, but many of you struggle with self-worth, guilt, loneliness, and numerous other negative things. My encouragement to you is to not allow these thoughts to change who you believe you are in Christ. God loves us so much and nothing we think about ourselves will ever change the truth about who God is and what Jesus did for us. 1 Corinthians 8:3 says “But whoever loves God is known by God.” You are known by God. Not in some passing acquaintance type fashion. You are known. God knows your heart, your mind, even your very spirit. He knows your thoughts, your desires, your struggles. There is nothing we have done or nothing we can think that God doesn’t already know.

The video below is the song “Defender” by Jesus Culture. It’s a great song that has helped me a lot. I love how it says that God goes before we even know to win our war. Next time you feel you’re under attack, invite God to fight for you, and remember, you’re never alone!